Keeping Families Together
Keeping Families Together supports families that are on the Children’s social services by providing parenting skills sessions.
Keeping Young People in School
We have been successful in keeping young people in schools that are just about to be excluded and on their last chance. All young people need chances and their parents need support to support them in moving forward in a positive way.
Keeping Families Together
Keeping Young People in School
The youth café is attended by young people from five Wandsworth primary schools and four secondary schools in the borough.
The young people that attend the youth café have so much fun.
Youth Café and support (5-15 years old)
Starting soon…
Youth Café and support (16-21 years old)
Starting soon…
Support for young people in care
Keeping Families Together provide support and as safe place for girls living in Wandsworth Borough.
Girls work and support
Wandsworth Lions u13s Chill out session
Ondabeat studio for young people
Missing People's Charity SafeCall Service for young people and their families
more information coming soon…