Meet the Founder of Keeping Families Together
Deepika Makwana (Dee)
My name is Deepika Makwana, but most people call me Dee. I am a single parent with one children under the age of 18 years old and one 18 years old. Dee has studied Using the Law in Social Care, Social Care with Children and Families, Food and Environmental Allergies and studying at present Criminology, CBT Counselling and Domestic abuse, and is continuously training in safeguarding and family courts advocacy.
From life experiences and bringing up young people in this society, I know it can be very challenging for most single parents. I totally understand how you all are feeling. As a single mum that works with young people that are affiliated with gangs or some kind of drug activity, it can be disheartening to see that you are unable to help your children.
It was this experience which made me realise that more families in Wandsworth needed support, advice, guidance, and a caring community who could help them through these difficult times. So in keeping Families Together I set up two projects: Keeping Families Together support project and Keeping Young People in Schools projects. Most of the referrals can be done by the parents, but we also take referrals from Children Social Services and Family Support Workers.
The overall aim of my charity is to create a community and a safe environment, in order to help young people detach themselves from gang culture, help keep them in education, and to make every effort to ensure children stay with their families when they are under the remit of Children’s Social Services.
I believe all young people need chances and their parents need support to help them move forward in a positive way. It takes a community to raise a child and I believe we are helping to really build this community in many different ways.